Last week was our National Delegate Conference (NDC), held this year in Liverpool. Preceding the main conference, is always the WET Sector conference, which the sector our branch sits in. It is usual that whoever from our branch attends NDC, also attends WET if possible, and this year Andy Theaker was able to attend both, representing our branch and our members in what is a huge piece of open democracy. You can find out more below about the sector conference and more will follow on the decisions from the NDC shortly, remember, its your union!
Here is a short video from UNISON depicting how members that that provide services for others, can’t afford those same necessities, because of the cost of living crisis and low pay.
(1) Unison Cost Of living – YouTube
But on a brighter note, by standing together and taking action, you can get recognition and better pay and conditions, as proven here by refuse collectors in N. Norfolk.
Bin workers call off strikes after ‘huge’ pay rise agreed (
In solidarity.