- Just dropping you a note to remind everyone of the HUGE importance of completing your ballot papers and voting YES to ASOS and YES to strike action. This ballot is as important now as it has ever been and we must deliver a clear message to the EA and to government ministers that our staff and the organisation cannot survive on poverty pay offers . . . 2% is not enough ! ! ! ! !
- It cannot be right that EA workers are still firmly at the bottom of the pile whilst other organisations across the public and private sectors are agreeing double digit settlements – our members deserve more, YOU deserve more. Our outgoing CEO agrees with us, and our interim CEO says pay is his number one priority – it’s crucial that we deliver a strong message and maintain the pressure.
Remember this . . . “If there is a chance of improving our pay and helping our members, we MUST fight. Those who fight may not get everything they want, but those who don’t fight have already lost”.
In solidarity

Categories: Branch Exec Membership